How did we come up with Nom Wholefoods which some might consider a strange name for a shop!

Nom Wholefoods

We moved house in July 2018. Nikki’s sister had bought these candles as a housewarming gift: N for Nikki, M for Matt.

In early 2019, as the shop plans were coming together, we were going round in circles for quite a while trying to come up with a name. We realised the answer was right in front of us!

You may know that Nom is often used to mean tasty. So that coupled with our initials it just made so much sense. And thus Nom Wholefoods was born!

We are pleased we have a name that’s personal to us because the shop has our personality and is unique to us. We want to create a personal connection with every customer. The name reflects that at the the centre of our business is our personalities and we run it from the heart.

Although the shop is run by Nikki at the moment, Matt definitely plays a strong supporting role. We do hope he can come on board full time at some point.

Nom Wholefoods


And I made this pie to celebrate the name! This was February 2019 but we didn’t start trading online til November 2019. The months in-between we used for research and ran a few summer stalls selling our pick ‘n’ mix Trail Mix (now sold as a pre-made mix).

We’re looking forward to doing more outdoor events, meeting more people face to face and spreading the word of Nom!



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