broccoli and sesame seed pesto

Pine nuts are brilliant but let’s face it they are expensive. You can totally make pesto with sesame seeds!

Make Broccoli & Sesame Seed Pesto to give you some extra veg in your meal.

This is great stirred through pasta, rice, as a vegetable dip or thinned down for a salad dressing.

✧1 head of broccoli, florets removed from stem. Florets steamed until soft.
✧50g parmesan cheese, cut into cubes
✧1 garlic clove, peeled
✧50g sesame seeds toasted in a dry frying pan.
✧100ml olive oil
✧Salt and freshly ground black pepper

✧In a high speed blender or food processor:
✧Pulse the parmesan until chopped.
✧Add the rest of the ingredients and blend on low until combined.

Add more of any of the ingredients to taste.


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